
GUITAR TECHNIQUE: Guitar Playing & Hand Pain

DONATIONS: MORE LESSONS: Search Andrew for FREE lesson Handouts. This Video: July 12, 2011 | Search Videos by Title/Date. LESSON MATERIAL - HANDOUT: Andrew Wasson of Creative Guitar Studio answers a viewers question... Q: I decided that this summer was going to be it. I wanted to go crazy with practicing guitar. So, three weeks ago on June 27th I began a 7 hour per day guitar workout. Now, I'm finding I have a painful left-hand. And, there's numbness through my hand as well. My back is also hurting too. I've taken a break for 2 days now but, the pain seems to still be around. Do you have any advice for me on this subject? Thanks for considering my question, Elliot -- Seattle Washington A: Pain during practice is quite a common ordeal for many players. Whether it's hand-pain, or back or neck pain many players can experience this at some point. Through the years of operating Creative Guitar I've been fortunate to have several; Doctors, Physiotherapists and Chiropractors as students. Back in 2002 I decided to draw on the education and experience of these individuals to produce an article for one of the Creative Guitar Studio 2002 Newsletter's. I'll have that article available for you to download on my website. But, in this video I'd like to cover a number of important ideas that are crucial for you to focus on to both protect your muscle groups and keep you playing after any possible hand & wrist issues subside. The complete lesson article for this video will be available on the Creative Guitar Studio website shortly. Follow me on Twitter for lesson posting announcements: ____________________________________ The NEW Zazzle Products page: ____________________________________ Andrew's Official Q & A Guitar Blog Website: (the weekly Podcast is posted here) Andrew's "Video GuitarBlog" YouTube Channel: The Creative Guitar Studio Website: Follow Andrew on Blogspot: Follow on Twitter for new lesson announcements: MySpace: Facebook: _____________________________________